First Light – Dawn, Hills and Mist

Over the last year or so I’ve been increasingly fascinated with natural light in all its nuances. The bright glare of a setting sun illuminating trees and plants, shards of light spilling from unexpected places and contrasting with the gloom of gathering shadow. The gentle glow of twilight, the blue shine of the moon, the colourful haze of the milky way and the phosphorescent shimmer of plants at night. I love it all and feel like there’s always something new to try to capture on canvas.

This one is takes its lead from As the mist rises which I painted a few months ago. It contains similar elements – water, mist, shadowed hills and the dawning of a new day, however this is set from a much higher viewpoint (Mt Wellington overlooking Hobart in Tasmania) with a far more distant and panoramic view. I wanted to create the feel of the sun rising and lighting up the cold swirling mist & the tops of the hills, while the town below sleeps on in its deep blue shadow as yet untouched by the new day.

This framed acrylic and ink painting on 101x76cm canvas is currently on show at Gallery NWC in St Leonards, Sydney NSW. It can also be purchase online at Nationwide Curating’s website.