Andy is a self-taught impressionist/expressionist painter based in Canberra, Australia. Light and shadow fascinate him and he seeks to capture their ever-changing nuances, whether it’s a bright sunny day, the magical golden light of sunset, the glow of the milky way at night or the diffuse glow of a misty winter morning.
The landscapes he paints are from memory, aided by copious notes and photographs, and he paints what he imagines the scene to be, choosing colours by emotion and intuition rather than trying to emulate natural tones. This gives his paintings a peaceful and often dreamlike quality.
Andy has exhibited in several locations in Sydney as well as the Humble House Gallery in Canberra, and currently has work on display at Gallery NWC in Katoomba.
His latest painting, “A hush falls as the Virtuoso takes the stage”, started as a freeform abstract exploring his favourite tones of dark blue and purple highlighted by lighter greens, pinks and browns. At one point he turned the painting upside-down and noticed that it resembled a clearing in a forest, so he gently guided the composition in that direction, adding the trees, rays of sunshine and brightly lit undergrowth, and finally the lyrebird referenced in the title.
It’s one of the more intuitive paintings he’s attempted, working without a plan and adding colours based on instinct and feel, and the result is peaceful and dreamlike.
Limited edition prints are available, with the original expected to be on sale during 2024’s Affordable Art Fair in Sydney, Australia.